Oferty pracy
NCN SONATA BIS 8 UMO- 2018/30/E/NZ5/00711
pt. „Modyfikowane egzosomy pochodzenia nowotworowego jako nośniki cząsteczek modulujących środowisko nowotworowe”
Realizacja badań: Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej PAN we Wrocławiu
Okres udziału w projekcie: 34 miesiące (od 01.07.2021) z możliwością przedłużenia do 42 miesięcy
Charakter udziału w projekcie: post-doc (umowa o pracę)
Wynagrodzenie z projektu: 10 000 zł/miesięcznie (łącznie z kosztami pracodawcy)
• stopień doktora nauk biologicznych lub dziedziny pokrewnej (w tym przypadku wymagane jest doświadczenie w zakresie nauk biologicznych/medycznych) uzyskany maksymalnie 7 lat przed rozpoczęciem pracy w projekcie;
• wiedza z zakresu immunologii nowotworów, biologii molekularnej, immunologii;
• doświadczenie w pracy laboratoryjnej związanej z prowadzeniem hodowli komórkowych, wykonywaniem testów funkcjonalnych na komórkach eukariotycznych, analiz cytometrycznych, testów ELISA, western blot, oraz analiz z zakresu biologii molekularnej;
• znajomość języka angielskiego;
• umiejętność pracy w zespole, wysoka motywacja do samodzielnej pracy, odpowiedzialność za powierzone zadania.
Dodatkowe atuty:
· pierwsze autorstwo/rola autora korespondencyjnego w opublikowanych artykułach
· istotny wkład w realizację projektów naukowych
· doświadczenie w pozyskiwaniu grantów naukowo-badawczych i ich realizacji jako kierownik lub główny wykonawca
Opis zadań w projekcie
Celem badań jest określenie aktywności przeciwnowotworowej egzosomów wydzielanych przez komórki nowotworowe modyfikowane genetycznie do nadprodukcji cząsteczek o aktywności immunostymulującej. Wybrane nanonośniki, wykazujące zdolność do indukowania odpowiedzi przeciwnowotworowej w testach in vitro, zostaną zastosowane w formie adiuwantu w protokole immunoterapeutycznym wykorzystującym komórki dendrytyczne. Wobec tego, zadania, które będzie realizowała osoba na stanowisku post-doc można podsumować, jak poniżej:
• izolacja oraz charakterystyka egzosomów (chromatografia, ELISA, WB, RT-PCR)
• charakterystyka aktywności immunomodulacyjnej i angiogennej egzosomów (hodowle 3D, testy funkcjonalne z wykorzystaniem komórek układu odpornościowego – cytometria przepływowa, mikroskopia konfokalna itp.)
• wykonywanie zaplanowanych w ramach projektu badań in vivo we współpracy z doktorantami i pozostałymi członkami zespołu;
• analiza wyników i udział w przygotowywaniu manuskryptów publikacji.
Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać:
· list motywacyjny
· życiorys zawodowy
· opis doświadczenia naukowego
· listę dotychczasowych osiągnięć naukowych (publikacji, zgłoszeń konferencyjnych, udziału w projektach badawczych, patentów, itp.)
· odpis dyplomu poświadczającego uzyskanie stopnia doktora (lub oświadczenie o planowanym terminie obrony, przy czym warunkiem zatrudnienia w projekcie jest posiadanie stopnia doktora w dniu podpisania umowy o pracę)
· listy rekomendacyjne lub dane osób, które mogą takie listy przedstawić
Zgłoszenia zawierające komplet dokumentów powinny zostać dostarczone do dnia 15 czerwca 2021 roku pocztą elektroniczną na adres kierownika projektu, dr hab. Joanny Rossowskiej: joanna.rossowska@hirszfeld.pl (tytuł: PostDoc Sonata Bis 8). Post-doc zostanie wyłoniony w drodze konkursu, zgodnie z „Regulaminem przyznawania środków na realizację zadań finansowanych przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki w zakresie projektów badawczych, określonego uchwałą Rady NCN nr 48/2018 z dnia 7 czerwca 2018 r.” Wybrani kandydaci zostaną zaproszeni na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną (osobiście lub on-line).
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu nastąpi do dnia 25 czerwca 2021r. Rozpoczęcie pracy w projekcie planowane jest od 1 lipca 2021r. Komisja zastrzega sobie prawo niewybrania żadnego z kandydatów w drodze konkursu. W takim przypadku konkurs zostanie ogłoszony ponownie.
1. W związku z ogłoszeniem dotyczącym realizacji projektu NCN UMO-2018/30/E/NZ5/00711 w celu zawarcia umowy o pracę, Zamawiający:
Ul. R. Weigla 12, 53-114 Wrocław
informuje, że zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych) ( dalej RODO) jest Administratorem danych.
2. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane na podstawie:
- art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b, c i e, RODO w celach związanych z zawarciem umowy o pracę, dotyczącej realizacji projektu NCN UMO-2018/30/E/NZ5/00711, jej zabezpieczenia, obsługi oraz ewentualnym dochodzeniem lub odpieraniem roszczeń z niej wynikających.
3. Dane osobowe drugiej Strony mogą być przekazywane podmiotom przetwarzającym dane osobowe, w tym m.in. obsługującym systemy informatyczne wykorzystywane na potrzeby realizacji umowy, świadczących usługi archiwizacyjne, prawne, przy czym takie podmioty przetwarzają dane na podstawie stosownej umowy powierzenia i wyłącznie zgodnie z jej poleceniami. Dane mogą być także udostępniane podmiotom uprawnionym na podstawie prawa, w tym organom administracji skarbowej.
4. Dane osób, które złożą ofertę, przetwarzane będą przez czas trwania ogłoszenia, a po jego zakończeniu zostaną zniszczone.
5. Dane osoby, z którą zostanie podpisana umowa o pracę w projekcie, przetwarzane będą przez czas realizacji tej umowy, a po jej zakończeniu przez czas związany z wygaśnięciem roszczeń związanych z umową oraz przez czas określony przepisami podatkowymi i przepisami dotyczącymi sprawozdawczości finansowej.
6. Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do zawarcia umowy i wywiązania się Zamawiającego z obowiązków płatnika. Konsekwencją odmowy podania danych osobowych będzie brak możliwości zawarcia umowy.
7. Wykonawca ma prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu w przypadku kiedy nie zachodzą już przesłanki prawne do przetwarzania jej danych osobowych.
8. Każda osoba ma również prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
9. Dane osobowe nie będą profilowane i nie będą służyły zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji.
10.W sprawach dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych osoby, których dane dotyczą, mogą kontaktować się z wyznaczonym u Administratora Inspektorem Ochrony Danych, pisząc na adres e-mail: iod@hirszfeld.pl lub adres siedziby wskazany w punkcie 1.
Enthusiastic researcher to conduct independent project – OPUS
A position is available in the group of Dr. Witold Konopka at dynamically growing Center of Life Sciences and Biotechnology at Łukasiewicz-PORT. The Laboratory of Neuroplasticity and Metabolism focuses on aspects of dysregulation of neuronal circuits controlling physiological hunger that lies at the basis of psychiatric disorders such as anorexia nervosa. We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher to conduct independent project – OPUS - ‘Regulation of AgRP hunger stimulating neurons by microRNAs’ funded by National Science Center.
• Leading the independent research project
• Conducting experiments in the field of molecular and cellular biology both in vitro and in vivo
• Data interpretation, visualization and integration.
• Preparation of the content-related part of research applications
• Collaboration with German partner of the project (University of Bonn) – mutual visits
• Preparation of applications for the Local Ethical Commitee for Experiments on Animals and applications for GMO standards
• Supervision of the technician’s work
• Communication with the interdisciplinary team of researchers
• Strong interest in the brain research, especially in understanding the brain-body connection
• PhD in neurobiology/biology or other relevant fields
• Strong publication record
• Experience in working with animals
• Knowledge of various genetic, molecular, biochemical, surgical techniques
• Preferred experience in proteomics
• Exceptional motivation for the scientific research (demonstrated by publications and references by the candidate's advisor or other senior scientist)
• Fluency in English.
Contact: Witold.Konopka@port.lukasiewicz.gov.pl
Postdoc position in the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology
A postdoc position in the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology (Nencki Institute) to participate in the EuroNanoMed III project: Reactivation of antitumor immune responses in gliomas using nanotechnology based targeted delivery
A candidate will study “smart” nanosystems delivering immunomodulatory agents in order to reactivate antitumor immune responses in the brain tumor microenvironment and sensitize to immunotherapies. Innovative nanocarriers to deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) to modify tumor-associated myeloid cells by blocking their pro-tumoral polarization and immunosuppressive functions. The nanocarriers encompass liposome, polymersome and dendrimer nanoformulations functionalized with brain homing peptides for effective crossing of the blood-brain barrier and deliver siRNAs to the tumor. Immunomodulatory activities of the cargo will be assessed ex vivo in tumor-immune cells co-cultures and in vivo in a murine model of glioblastoma. The most promising candidate nanocarriers will be tested in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors in mice.
Job description:
In this collaborative project with the University of Sapienza, CellVax, University of Marseille and University of Tartu, we study biodistribution and penetration of the brain targeting nanocarriers and efficacy of gene knockdown. Immunophenotyping, bulk and scRNA-seq of immune cells from tumors and periphery will be evaluated in murine glioma models. Effective nanocarriers will be tested for antitumor activity alone and in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Experience with animal experimentation required.
Employment conditions:
- the employment type: full time position;
- employment period: 24 months
- salary: 10 370 PLN/month (brutto),
- planned start date: May 1, 2021.
Further details are in the attachment.
Deadline for application April 23, 2021. Offers should be submitted to b.kaminska@nencki.edu.pl
Here, an open postdoc position in the lab of Dawid Krokowski (UMCS, Lublin)
and 2 PhD positions and one postdoc at the lab of Matthias Nees (Med Uni Lublin)
Feel free to pass this info around
PhD studentship available- craniofacial development
Our laboratory focuses on studies of tissue specification, organogenesis and patterning. One of our current research interests are molecular basis of human skeletal hereditary malformations. To unravel these mechanisms, we use two experimental strategies. One is based on the developing vertebrate limb in chick or mouse model organism. The second one focuses on identification of pathways involved in skeletogenesis using zebrafish.
A PhD student position is currently available in our group located at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of the Medical Faculty, Medical University Lublin (https://dbmb.umlub.pl/en/node/11/ ) to study regulation of genes responsible for craniofacial development and malformations. Specifically, in this project we will identify hereditary mutations responsible for human skeletal defects, isolate the responsible genes and carry out functional studies.
To accomplish our goal, we will use technologies such as targeted chromatin capture followed by next generation sequencing and enhancer hunt using developing chick and zebrafish based experimental models. We will also carry out, when appropriate, gene manipulation in zebrafish to understand better the physiological consequences of identified mutations.
The project is partially financed by the National Science Center, Poland. Successful candidate will be involved in genetic and functional studies aiming at the unraveling of the genotype/phenotype correlation.
We expect from the candidates
- Master degree in life sciences, preferentially in biological sciences obtained prior to 31st July 2020
- Good practical and theoretical knowledge of molecular biology and genetics, tissue culture skills
- Interest in mechanisms of human diseases and molecular embryology
- Fluency (written and spoken) in English
- Willingness to travel abroad for both short- and long-term stays including international conferences and training in our collaborating laboratories
We offer
- A scholarship according to the National Science Center scale for PhD students- approximately 4300 PLN per month for 4 years
- Dynamic working environment at the Medical University in Lublin in newly refurbished laboratory spaces
- The vibrant city of Lublin (city in East Poland) with its many cultural and sport activities
- http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Lublin and http://www.lubelskie.pl/index.php?pid=2219
Application procedure (The application procedure is FULLY electronic)
The candidate is expected to provide the following documents (ALL OF THEM IN ENGLISH):
- A motivation letter (not more than one page)
- CV
- List of subjects and exam grades from the TWO LAST years of studies
- A digital copy of Master Thesis
- Names, email addresses and telephone numbers of TWO referees (including the Master Thesis advisor
All the information, as ONE PDF file (the maximum file size not exceeding 15Mb), should be emailed to Agnieszka Styczyńska agnieszkastyczynska@umlub.pl
The closing date of the application is 31st of July, 2020.
Selected candidates will be invited for an interview. The interview will be conducted in English.
The positions are available from October 1st 2020 but may start, with the mutual consent, at another date.
PhD studentship available- limb disorders
Our laboratory focuses on studies of tissue specification, organogenesis and patterning. One of our current research interests are molecular basis of human skeletal hereditary malformations. To unravel these mechanisms, we use two experimental strategies. One is based on the developing vertebrate limb in chick or mouse model organism. The second one focuses on identification of pathways involved in skeletogenesis using zebrafish.
A PhD student position is currently available in our group located at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of the Medical Faculty, Medical University Lublin (https://dbmb.umlub.pl/en/node/11/ ) to study regulation of genes responsible for limb development and malformations. Specifically, in this project we will identify hereditary mutations responsible for human skeletal defects (including but not limited to clubfoot), isolate the responsible genes and carry out functional studies.
To accomplish our goal, we will use technologies such as targeted chromatin capture followed by next generation sequencing and enhancer hunt using developing chick and zebrafish based experimental models. We will also carry out, when appropriate, gene manipulation in zebrafish to understand better the physiological consequences of identified mutations.
The project is partially financed by the National Science Center, Poland. Successful candidate will be involved in genetic and functional studies aiming at the unraveling of the genotype/phenotype correlation.
We expect from the candidates
- Master degree in life sciences, preferentially in biological sciences obtained prior to 31st July 2020
- Good practical and theoretical knowledge of molecular biology and genetics, tissue culture skills
- Interest in mechanisms of human diseases and molecular embryology
- Fluency (written and spoken) in English
- Willingness to travel abroad to do some of the experimental work in another lab
We offer
- A scholarship according to the National Science Center scale for PhD students- approximately 4300 PLN per month for 4 years
- Dynamic working environment at the Medical University in Lublin in newly refurbished laboratory spaces
- The vibrant city of Lublin (city in East Poland) with its many cultural and sport activities
- http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Lublin and http://www.lubelskie.pl/index.php?pid=2219
Application procedure (The application procedure is FULLY electronic)
The candidate is expected to provide the following documents (ALL OF THEM IN ENGLISH):
- A motivation letter (not more than one page)
- CV
- List of subjects and exam grades from the TWO LAST years of studies
- A digital copy of Master Thesis
- Names, email addresses and telephone numbers of TWO referees (including the Master Thesis advisor
All the information, as ONE PDF file (the maximum file size not exceeding 15Mb), should be emailed to Agnieszka Styczyńska agnieszkastyczynska@umlub.pl
The closing date of the application is 31st of July, 2020.
Selected candidates will be invited for an interview. The interview will be conducted in English.
The positions are available from October 1st 2020 but may start, with the mutual consent, at another date.
Post-doctoral position- KU Leuven, Belgium
Fascination with pattern formation in living organisms is millennia old. One of the biological models to investigate this process is the developing limb. Our understanding of limb development has progressed greatly over the last half century. However, the intricate interactions between biochemical (e.g. genes, proteins) and biophysical (e.g. cell-cell interactions) factors become too complex to be understood without the help of computational modeling. In order to successfully continue the quest for a deeper insight into the complex control of genesis of biological structures and functions, further advances in the computational as well as the experimental models are necessary.
Recently, we began MatheMorphosis, an interdisciplinary research project that aims to follow an integrative approach to study the biophysical and biochemical regulation of limb development. We will establish a multiscale, multiphysics model (in silico) of the early stages of limb development, exploring various ways to optimize, validate and question the model and its predictions. Concomitantly, we will develop a robust in vivo (in ovo) platform based on the recombinant limb technique in the chick that allows to incorporate in vitro engineered cell populations and assess their capacity to form complex tissues. This experimental model will provide a dedicated test bed to evaluate specific model predictions and thereby advancing the state-of-the-art in both computational modeling and limb development.
We are searching for a post-doc for the biological part of the project. S(h)e will be responsible in the first instance for the establishment of conditions required for the investigation of the ‘recombinant limb technique’. Secondly, s(h)e will investigate the conditions required for stem cell differentiation into limb bud mesenchymal cells using chick and mouse models.
The candidate should have a background in developmental/cell biology and an interest in tissue morphogenesis. Additionally, it is expected from the candidate to be trained in molecular embryology, stem cell biology and/or limb development. knowledge of osteo-chondrogenic differentiation processes would be advantageous. The candidate should be able to work independently in a team-oriented project. It is expected from the candidate to be fluent in spoken and written English.
We offer a work in a very interdisciplinary dynamic team led by Lies Geris (http://www.biomech.ulg.ac.be/team/liesbet-geris/) , Bart Smeets (from https://www.biw.kuleuven.be/biosyst/mebios/particulate-dynamics-group/Particulate-Dynamics-group.html) and Przemko Tylzanowski (https://gbiomed.kuleuven.be/english/research/50000640/sberc/developmental-and-stem-cell-biology/index.html). The labs are located in the center of KU Leuven Health Sciences Campus (picture below) with over 4000 researchers working under one roof, many core facilities, very wll communicated with the main airport as well as key train stations.
The position is available IMMEDIATELY.
For further information, please contact Prof. Przemko Tylzanowski (przemko@kuleuven.be). To apply, please send a motivation letter with names and contact coordinates (email and/or phone) of two referees to the above email address.
University of Leuven is located 20 km from Brussels (Belgium) in a college town of Leuven. Belgium has been ranked top for academic research and innovation consistently over the many years.
Sekretarz Studium Medycyny Molekularnej
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny zatrudni Sekretarza Studium Medycyny Molekularnej (SMM):
Główne zadania:
− prowadzenie sekretariatu Studium,
− organizacja kursów i szkoleń,
− prowadzenie spraw doktorantów SMM,
− koordynowanie współpracy pomiędzy sygnatariuszami SMM.
− wykształcenie wyższe,
− dobra znajomość obsługi komputera (pakiet MS Office),
− bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego,
− dyspozycyjność,
− wysoko rozwinięte umiejętności interpersonalne,
− łatwość komunikacji i kultura osobista,
− mile widziane doświadczenie w prowadzeniu sekretariatu lub projektu, zainteresowanie medycyną i nauką,
− dodatkowym atutem będzie umiejętność obsługi/tworzenia stron internetowych.
Wymagane dokumenty i oświadczenia:
CV, oświadczenie o wyrażeniu zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych dla potrzeb rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych Dz. U. 2018r. poz. 1000).
Mile widziane: list motywacyjny oraz kopie dokumentów potwierdzających wykształcenie i posiadane uprawnienia, kopie świadectw pracy.
Dokumenty prosimy składać do 10 marca 2019 drogą e-mailową na adres smm@wum.edu.pl lub w kancelarii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 61.
Open call for applications of a post-doctoral research fellowship in the Department of Experimental Hematooncology in Medical University of Lublin within the project entitled “The role of microbiota-triggered antigen stimulation in development and progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia” OPUS NCN (Principal investigator: prof. Krzysztof Giannopoulos).
- PhD degree in the field of biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, obtained in less than 7 years before the starting date;
- experience in bioinformatics of NGS data is required;
- strong background in molecular biology and functional studies in the field of molecular biology,immunology or hematology;
- high proficiency in spoken and written English, certificate B2/C1 will be an additional advantage
- good publication record, IF>20;
- strong motivation;
- ability to work independently as well as in a collaborative team;
- ability to work flextime hours and weekends when necessary;
- experience in microbiome profiling will be an additional advantage.
- motivation letter;
- CV with scientific experience and publication list;
- copy of a PhD diploma (or equivalent document);
- reference letters;
- contact details.
Task description:
The Candidate will be responsible for designing, planning and analysis of bioinformatics for NGS-based microbiome profiling results as well as functional studies in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (in particular transfection, antibody production).
Summary of project description:
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) etiology remains unknown despite numerous studies. In recent years it has been speculated that immunologic and inflammatory factors, including antigen stimulation could be involved in the pathogenesis of CLL. Subgroups of unrelated and geographically distant CLL patients have virtually-identical B cell receptor (BCR) gene sequences, so called stereotyped BCR, suggesting that CLL cases with stereotyped BCR could derive from progenitor cells evolutionarily adapted to particular antigenic challenge irrespective of immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genes (IGHV) mutational status. Thereby, some common antigen derived from specific bacteria or fungi may be engaged in CLL development by stimulation of B cells proliferation with expression of surface immunoglobulins encoded by precise immunoglobulin genes. There is evidence indicating that certain alloantigens derived from pathogens in some geographical area might be engaged in pathogenesis of CLL. One of the proof could be diversity of geographic occurrence of CLL as well as recurrent infections, which are common in clinical course of CLL. Moreover, it was observed that certain types of bacteria secrete factors indirectly contributing to neoplasia by proinflammatory environment maintenance. In the current project we plan to face inverse hypothesis that infections might constitute not only the consequence, but also the cause of the disease triggering CLL development and progression. In our previous study we found accumulation of CD5+CD19+B1 cells in tonsillar tissue during chronic antigenic stimulation accompanying chronic or recurrent tonsillitis in children. Based on these results, we plan to assess the clonality of CD5+CD19+B lymphocytes obtained from hypertrophied tonsillar tissue with respect to the BCR repertoire which characterizes adult CLL patients and might define population of cells from which the leukemic cell clones originates. Results of molecular typing will be also reflected to the microbiome profile. Both direct sequencing of microbiome as well as the reversed immunological approach, based on BCR-cloning, will be utilized to assess epitope recognized by CLL-specific BCRs. We plan to define association of oral and gut microbiota with regard to the development of CLL-specific B cell clones, as we raise a hypothesis concerning stimulation of microbiota alloantigens that might be involved in pathogenesis as well as responsible for disease progression.
Oral cavity and gut microbiome samples together with peripheral blood samples will be collected from 100 CLL patients at the diagnosis and before the start of therapy(both immunochemotherapy and BCR-signaling inhibitors)and from 50 healthy volunteers and 50 patients with hypertrophied tonsils. Analysis of microbiome diversity will be defined by NGS-based 16S rRNA sequencing. We plan to assess the clonality of CD5+CD19+B lymphocytes obtained from tonsillar tissue with respect to the BCR repertoire which characterizes CLL patients. Transfection with constructs of epitope-specific BCR will be performed and their specificity will be validated via ELISA-based methods. The frequency of BCR epitope-specific sequences will be evaluated and correlated with comprehensive prognostic marker database. Sanger sequencing will be perform to assess IGHV genes mutational status and subset analyses of CLL patients.
The project will address several crucial points concerning the role of microbiome in CLL: (1) whether cell of CLL origin might develop from chronic inflammation, tonsillitis for instance, (2) whether microbiome might influence clinical course of the disease, (3) which bacterial strains might stimulate CLL-specific BCR and to which extent? The latter question will be answered utilizing IGHV sequence database of European Research Initiative for CLL (ERIC), with whom the Experimental Hematooncology Department is in cooperation. By analysing both oral cavity and gut microbiota in CLL we would like not only define characteristic of CLL microbiota profile, but also characterize which species are present in patients not requiring treatment. Moreover, we plan to evaluate potential prognostic value of microbiome diversity.
Applications should be submitted electronically to: krzysztof.giannopoulos@umlub.pl
Medical University of Lublin could offer full employment contract for 36 months
Salary – 10 000 PLN/month
Position with 100% focus on research (no teaching obligations)
Start date: The position is available from March 2019, but may start within 6 months, if so agreed upon.
Applications submitted after the deadline 31-01-2019 will be still considered if positions are not filed. Selected candidates will be invited for interview.
Additional information:
Please include the following clause in your CV: “I give consent for my personal data included in the recruitment form to be processed by Medical University of Lublin with its registered seat in Lublin at Racławickie No. 1 (data controller) for the purposes of recruitment for post-doc position pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC in compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject to (Art. 6 section 1 letter a) and the Act on personal data protection of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000).
Information Clause
The Controller of data is Medical University of Lublin with its registered seat in Lublin at Racławickie No.1. Contact Details of the Personal Data Protection Officer: daneosobowe@umlub.pl
Personal data in the recruitment form is collected and will be processed only for the purposes of recruitment for the post-doc position conducted by Medical University of Lublin.
Giving consent for the processing of your personal data is voluntary; however, it is necessary in order to take part in the recruitment process. I hereby state that I was informed about the right to withdraw my consent at any time. The withdrawal of the consent does not influence the lawfulness of any processing performed before the consent withdrawal. Personal data collected in order to perform the recruitment process shall be processed throughout the period of time necessary for the organization and completion of the recruitment process, as well as for considering a possible complaint; however, not longer than up to 31 March 2019. Personal data will not be transferred to a third party.
You have the right to request the data controller for access to your personal data, to edit or limit its processing, as well as to raise an objection or transfer your data. You are also entitled to file a complaint to the supervisory body (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection or to the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data).
Dzień dobry,
Poszukuję osoby zainteresowanej współpracą w projekcie ERANET. Pozycja na umowę o pracę na 3 lata, od 1 lutego 2019. Wskazane doświadczenie w pracy ze zwierzętami, najlepiej w systemie Intellicages. Osoby zainteresowane proszę o wysłanie zgłoszenia z CV na mój email do 24 stycznia 2019.
Celem tego projektu jest sprawdzenie nowatorskiej hipotezy, że mikroglej jest zaangażowany w dysfunkcje synaptyczne w odpowiedzi na przewlekły stres, przyczyniając się do rozwoju MDD. Zamierzamy zbadać rolę mikrogleju w remisji choroby oraz wpływ minocykliny (leku hamującego prozapalną aktywację mikrogleju i produkcję cytokin) na objawy depresji i działanie leków przeciwdepresyjnych u myszy i ludzi. W przedstawionym projekcie wykorzystane zostaną najnowocześniejsze metody neuroanatomiczne, molekularne (proteomika i transkryptomika), aby zbadać funkcje mikrogleju w modelach depresji u myszy oraz u pacjentów z MDD (badanie post-mortem).
Bożena Kamińska
Prof. Bozena Kaminska, PhD
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology,
Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology
Neurobiology Center
02-093 Warsaw, Pasteur 3 str.
email: b.kaminska@nencki.gov.pl
fax: 48.22.8225342; phone: +48 22 5892209
We are hiring:
Post-doctoral position is available in Kaminska's laboratory from January 1, 2019 for 2-years for individuals with a good grounding in molecular biology, methods such as CRISPR mediated genome editing, RNA-sequencing and epigenetics. The project aims at establsiheing an epigeneetic altas of histone modifications in brain tumros. In particular, a position is available for a person with wet-laboratory expertise in epigenetics (ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq) etc.
Ideal candidates should be intellectually curious, productive, and enjoy working in a committed team to make the important project succeed. The project is well under way due to the efforts of a dedicated group of post-docs, technicians and undergrads. The laboratory description at: www.kaminska-lab.pl.
Applications should be submitted to b.kaminska@nencki.gov.pl; deadline for submission is December 31, 2018.
at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology of
Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Neurobiology seeks a Postdoctoral fellow (within 5 years after receiving PhD) to study molecular mechanism of dendritic arbor stability and its relation to mood disorders. The fellowship is funded in frame of Foundation for Polish Science TEAM grant. Strong background in neurobiology, practical skills in brain surgery, histochemistry and animal behavior analysis, high motivation, analytical skills and independent thinking as well as fluent English are required. Previous experimental experience in advanced light microscopy and molecular and cell biology will be an additional asset.
Neurons receive information from other cells and their morphology remains intact for 80% of neuron's lifetime. Little is known about molecular mechanisms underlying dendrite stability. The first objective of the proposed research is to identify RNAs and proteins underlying mature dendritic arbors' stability. Because dendritic arbors destabilize in mood disorders the second objective of this proposal is to identify chemicals or drugable targets which support dendrite stability under stress conditions. In order to reach these aims combination of molecular biology, cell biology, high-throughput screening and behavioral studies will be used.
Laboratory interest
Research of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Neurobiology focuses on molecular aspects of development and stability of neuron morphology. We are especially interested in role of mTOR and GSK3 kinases. More info can be found at IIMCB Annual Reports (http://www.iimcb.gov.pl/annual_reports.php).
Interested candidates are kindly asked to contact Dr. Jaworski by e-mail only (jaworski@iimcb.gov.pl) and provide short motivation letter, CV, the name of a referee, copy of the diploma by 31.10.2018. Please include the following statement in your application: "I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.” Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of the recruitment procedure by the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw. Full information is available under the link https://www.iimcb.gov.pl/pl/information-clause. The shortlisted candidates will be contacted regarding further selection procedures.
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